Violence basée sur le genre


July 24, 2020
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Some important facts and statistics

Safety is a fundamental human right. In their 1994 report on human development, the United Nations stated that safety is also an essential condition for the sustainable development of societies.

Safety is used to describe a state of being, in which one is free from harm, pain, worry, or loss. It is the whole of one’s environment and how they interact within it. Here environment means, the sum of social, cultural, political, economical, technological and organisational factors as well as the physical ones.

Safety does not mean that one is completely free from risk, and it should not be the goal regarding safety. Instead, the goal should be to reduce risks and that is achieved by implementing controls and regulations.

Furthermore, safety is more than the absence of violent events or of injuries. Safety includes the feeling and state of well-being, which is essential to the thriving of individuals, communities, and societies.

Many different things can impede upon our health. The following is not the definitive list of everything that can hinder our feelings of safety; they are, however, some things to be aware of.

Your safety is important, we may never be completely free of risks, but if you do not feel safe, then you are not safe. When we don’t feel safe, our defense mechanisms are activated, which are fight, flight, freeze and fawn. The longer these defense mechanisms remain activated, the higher chances of long-term impacts upon our wellbeing. That means, even if our feelings of not being safe aren’t supported by others, our wellbeing will be impacted regardless.

These topics contain content that may be triggering to some, if you feel that you are in crisis please reach out to one of the following or go here for a list of crisis and helplines available in your area.

For Indigenous Peoples, Hope for Wellness: 1-855-242-3310 Available 24/7

For Trans people of all ages, Trans LifeLine: 1-877-330-6366 Available 24/7

For Youth 20 and under, Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868 Available 24/7

For people with thoughts of suicide, Suicide Prevention and Support: 1-833-456-4566 Available 24/7



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Violence basée sur le genre

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