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Education opens doors

October 13, 2015
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emOjicree on why it's never too late to go back to school

It’s never too late to reach your educational goals. Whether it’s finishing a high school diploma, or enrolling into post-secondary education, each step taken can bring you closer to a potential career.

Like a boss. Via

Although in some cases, finishing education means relocating for a time from your home or your community and that can be tough. It’s good to have a strong support system in place if you do, especially if you’re a young person setting out to graduate high school.

And Indigenous youth often have a few extra things — aside from the typical issues teens deal with — to handle during high school. Leaving home, not having family there for support, adjusting to city life, dealing with culture shock and sometimes discrimination and racism are a few. It’s hard enough to be a teen these days, but it’s even tougher when you have all of that extra stuff to have to work with.

Not everyone's this happy to be in school. Via

It may seem easier to just give up and go home, but in the end it may be better to stick it out and find proper support systems in a new city or town to deal with what you’re experiencing.

Attending classes each day and working hard on obtaining the credits needed to graduate will only bring you closer to your goal. Getting involved in extra-curricular activities and groups that are created to help students transition from a reserve to an urban setting is also a great way to get support and motivation to stay in school during the year.

But if school is something you just feel you can’t deal with alone, it’s possible to look for other ways to obtain your diploma at home in your community through correspondence or online courses.

Just don't procatstinate. Via

Education can open up so many new doors and can lead to a great life. There is a whole world out there just waiting for you, and being able to explore it and experience it is something everyone deserves, and a strong education and eventually a career is one of the best tools you could have to be able to do so.

No matter what your age or level of education, there’s always time go back to school and work to improve your life.

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