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October 26, 2015
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CBC interviews one of the new Indigenous MPs, Jody Wilson-Raybould

Jody Wilson-Raybould has an impressive resume. She’s a former Crown prosecutor, treaty commissioner and regional chief of the BC Assembly of First Nations.

She’s now one of the 200-some new MPs elected on October 19, one of the 10 Indigenous representatives heading to Ottawa to become legislators in the House of Commons.


She’s now the Liberal MP-elect for the riding of Vancouver-Granville, after winning with 44 per cent of the vote.

She recently told the CBC that although there’s so much work still to do, having 10 Indigenous MPs is a “step forward.”

"There's a tremendous amount to do, but our approach is to do it in partnership and to embrace aboriginal people and support the successes that they've already accomplished and what they can continue to accomplish in the future," she said.

You can listen to the whole interview here.


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