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Standing up to bullies

June 16, 2015
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Would you say something to a bully?

Bullying can make going online or going to school feel like a living nightmare. It can affect how you feel about yourself and lead to a higher risk of depression and suicide. In 2012, Canadian teenager Amanda Todd hanged herself after being blackmailed and bullied.

Have you ever heard someone be called names like retard, fag or slut? Have you ever seen someone be shoved, tripped or attacked just because other people didn’t like them?

Doing nothing when you see someone being bullied actually makes things worse. It makes it look like you approve of the fighting or insults.

So what can you do to stop bullying? Next time you see someone being fought or called names, speak up. Say that a teacher is coming to create a distraction or leave the situation and ask your friends to come with you.

If you want to help the person being bullied, provide them with an escape. Invite him or her to leave with you by saying something like “let’s get out of here”.

If you’re not comfortable getting involved, you can still help after the situation is over. If the bullying is happening online, report the post. Ask the bullied person how they’re doing or tell a teacher if you’re afraid for someone’s safety.

Have you ever intervened to stop bullying? What happened? Comment below.

To learn more about staying safe, click here.

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